Staffordshire Business & Environment Network (sben)

Staffordshire Business & Environment Network (sben) was launched in 1992, providing a membership organisation, entitling members to subsidised and free initiatives from within the sben portfolio. sben is managed by its Organisers Group made up of members of the network and lead by a Chairperson and Management committee. Other SWM members, Staffordshire County Council, provide support and also act as secretariat. sben has a proven track record and an enviable reputation for quality and customer service. The Network helps raise business awareness through seminars and enhance skills and knowledge through environmental training and counselling. It also provides practical advice on developing and implementing environmental policies as well as promoting examples of good environmental practice. Their mission aligns very well with SWM’s, which is: “To support organisations to achieve long term sustainability and maximise their business opportunities through innovative environmental activity.” The sben team are always a pleasure to work with and the highest compliment we can pay is that every sben event we have ever attended exceeds expectations. SWM has worked with them for many years, including on business resilience workshops and helping to promote their Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme (LCBEP) (now closed to applications). Our primary contact is Diane Roberts, sben Manager.