Worcestershire County Council is currently going out to tender for Resource & Efficiency Advisors to carry out Resource & Efficiency assessments in local Small & Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs). The role will identify opportunities for more effective use of resources (e.g. energy, water and waste reduction). The Advisor will be a fundamental part of the delivery of the European Regional Development funded Worcestershire Resource & Efficiency Project, which runs until June 2015. This project is managed by Worcestershire County Council in partnership with Herefordshire & Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce. The project aims include:
- Assisting SMEs in Worcestershire in assessing the potential benefits of energy efficiency, waste reduction and recycling.
- Assisting SMEs in Worcestershire with 10% reduction in energy bills by March 2015.
- Increasing the turnover of 60 SMEs in Worcestershire by at least 3% by March 2015.
- Reducing CO2 emissions in the region by 450 tonnes per annum.
- Leverage £495,000 private sector investment.
Tender value – £24,000 (+vat) which is divided into three equal lots of a maximum of £8,000 Submission Deadline: 22/08/2014, 4pm. Contract Start Date: 01/10/2014 For details about this opportunity please visit http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/etendering/ (select miscellaneous category).