DECC has launched the 2014/15 Big Energy Saving Network, a £1 million programme to support eligible third sector organisations and community groups, deliver help and advice to vulnerable consumers. Following the success of the inaugural 2013/14 Big Energy Saving Network, DECC is pleased to launch the application process for grant funding of the 2014/15 programme. The Big Energy Saving Network delivers an extensive programme of outreach to vulnerable consumers, focussed on helping them reduce their energy costs and energy consumption. This funded outreach programme will run through autumn/winter 2014/15, with outreach activity concluding on 13 March 2015. The programme of outreach will be led by 160 specially trained Network ‘Champions’, voluntary workers that will co-ordinate the training of further volunteers and front line workers. These volunteers and frontline workers will in turn deliver proactive advice to consumers on energy issues via an assisted action approach. Eligible third sector organisations and community groups are invited to make an application for funding by no later than 5pm on Friday 8 August 2014. More information can be found at
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