The University of Birmingham is Crowdfunding to bring a bike share scheme to the campus. The University is in competition with 4 other universities to raise the operational cost of managing 50 bikes and 8 stations at key locations. Santander Bank will pay the capital costs of the scheme (worth up to £100,000). The ideas around this is by bringing a bike share scheme to the campus it will make the staff, students and the local community more mobile, healthier, happier, improve air quality and reduce congestion in the local area. The University is committed to becoming more sustainable and views a cycle scheme as key to this. The University of Birmingham is trying to reach £47,000 worth of donations to secure this project. The money raised will be used to maintain the bikes and ensure they are in the right place at the right time. With around a week to go they are £13,500 short, and need a real push to help them beat the other universities which are competing. By pledging not only will you be helping the university to win the competition but you will get a massive discount on the usual rates for the scheme. The competition closes on the 8 December. To donate to the crowdfunding page click here.
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