Congratulations to our competition winners Boningale Nurseries! We are excited to welcome Boningale Nurseries as one of our members and look forward to hearing about the work they are doing and the future opportunities to work together. Boningale Nurseries has been a family business for over 50 years, the core business is growing and supplying hardy nursery plants. As a group they now supply plants all over the country to a range of sectors from commercial landscaping to garden centres, and have increasingly focused on providing innovative products for environmental landscaping. They recently launched ‘GreenSky’, a range of purpose grown plants for use in green roofing. They endeavour to source all our product materials sustainably (for example using materials diverted from the waste stream), and through innovative product design they have helped the industry to improve the horticultural quality of green roofs. Plants are great for improving air quality, water quality, and everyone’s health and wellbeing. Boningale Nurseries are committed to finding the best, most reliable and efficient ways to help their clients with projects, particularly in grey urban environments, to get the best from their multifunctional landscapes and support BREEAM schemes. Learn more about Boningale Nurseries and the work that they do.