Bryt Energy are proud to announce that their 2023 Sustainable Business Report, Bryt by Nature, is out now!
Since the launch of the Bryt by Nature programme in 2020, Bryt Energy have been fully documenting their journey to becoming a truly sustainable business, being totally transparent about the successes and challenges experienced along the way.
Their 2023 Bryt by Nature Report addresses four key areas that are aligned to the values that their business holds: being trusted, passionate, sustainable and pioneering by nature.
Under each area, they outline their goals and cover the actions taken since their last report to progress towards them. They report on their carbon footprint for 2022 as well as incorporating information from their annual financial report, highlighting what they plan to do next to move forward.
Bryt Energy understand that being a sustainable business is about more than environmental impact, so have also included updates and milestones from other areas of the business in the report, to ensure the recognition of their social impact as well.
For more details, you can read the 2023 Bryt by Nature Report by clicking here, and read the Summary Blog here.
Bryt Energy are SWM members, as well as being a West Midlands Net Zero Business Pledger.