The full extent of our carbon consciousness has been revealed today, as research shows that carbon counting now stands shoulder to shoulder with calorie counting when it comes to the weekly shop.
When asked about what they put in their shopping trolley, a quarter of people say it’s not just carbs but carbon that now influences their shopping habits.
The research is a clear call to action for British businesses to show their carbon commitment and sign up to the Carbon Reduction Label in order to satisfy our appetite for green shopping:
- 86% of consumers want their favourite brands to help combat the threat of climate change by reducing their carbon footprint.
- Almost half (43%) are actively seeking information about the carbon impact of the products they buy and more than half (52%) would be more loyal to a brand if they could see at a glance they were taking steps to reduce their footprint.
- It seems we’re more ready than ever to stand by our carbon principles, with almost a quarter (22%) of respondents willing to stop buying their favourite brands if they didn’t commit to bearing the Carbon Reduction Label.
- Cars, electrical goods and food were the products we most wanted to see making the carbon commitment.
The news comes as Morphy Richards irons become the latest products to carry the Carbon Reduction Label – one simple label that consumers can look for to know that the products they buy are having their carbon footprint reduced. Other staples such as Kingsmill bread, Walkers crisps, Tate & Lyle sugar and Tesco milk, orange juice, lightbulbs, and washing detergent already bear the Carbon Reduction Label.
Laila Rouass, Strictly Come Dancing star and mum, is supporting the drive to encourage more brands to sign up: “When I became a mum my priorities changed – I used to be quite calorie conscious but now I want to know that the products I buy are good for my kids and good for the environment, without paying a premium. I also know that when I’m doing my weekly shop I want to be in and out of there as quickly as I can – I don’t have time to research the green credentials of every single product I buy. The Carbon Reduction Label helps me to do my bit to tackle climate change – at a glance I can see which of my favourite brands have measured their carbon footprint and have made a commitment to reducing it.”
Euan Murray from The Carbon Trust said: “People are increasingly looking for simple ways to reduce their carbon footprint, without sacrificing on price, taste or convenience. They want to protect the environment, but are often confused about how they can make a difference.
We know they don’t want to hear about big numbers and global targets – they want to see at a glance which companies and brands are doing their bit to tackle climate change. The Carbon Reduction Label is on a wide range of our favourite household brands and is a badge of assurance that consumers can look for to help them decide what makes it into their trolley”.
Consumers can find out more about the Carbon Reduction Label and which brands have signed up at Carbon Reduction Label website.
Editors’ Notes
For further information contact Claire Scott, Kate Cozens, Veronica Rossini or Lotte Jones at Blue Rubicon on 0207 260 2700.
- Findings were compiled from a survey of 2047 British adults interviewed in February 2010. The findings have been weighted and are a representative sample of all UK adults.