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Clean Power 2030 Action Plan: A new era of clean electricity

Clean Power by 2030 will herald a new era of clean energy
independence and tackle three major challenges: the need for a secure and affordable energy supply, the creation of essential new energy industries, the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit our contribution to the damaging effects of climate change.

Clean power by 2030 is a sprint towards these essential goals. The UK Government have published their Clean Power by 2030 Action Plan which sees to take responsibility and set out actions to achieve clean energy across the UK by 2030.

This plan recognises the need for clean energy to minimise the devastating effects of climate change that can already be seen across the UK, as well as the role clean energy will play in tackling energy crisis’.

Successful delivery will require rapid deployment of new clean energy capacity across the whole of the U K , reflecting the shared renewable ambitions of the U K , Scottish and Welsh Governments. This plan accepts the government’s central role in steering the creation of this new energy system, setting our expectations for the 2030 capacities of key technologies at national and regional level.

To hold to our path to 2030, we know that the government must take radical action, quickly. This document sets out the first major steps towards clean power, in partnership with the Scottish and Welsh Governments, industry and the public.

2030 clean future report

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