The region’s wide-ranging transport plan is set to be updated with a greater focus on meeting the #WM2041 climate change challenge. The revised plan will also look to build on changes seen during the coronavirus pandemic – by further encouraging more cycling and walking, and cutting car use. Recent surveys carried out in the region show that three-quarters of people enjoyed seeing less traffic on the streets during lockdown, while levels of cycling and walking have hugely increased. Further technological innovations, such as autonomous vehicles, the growing 5G network, better use of data, drone technology, e-bikes and e-scooters, are also likely to further change the way people live, work and move around the region. Now Transport for West Midlands (TfWM), which is part of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), is to revisit the Local Transport Plan, with is outdated, and wants to gauge the views of the public, transport partners and business as the plan develops. To register interest in taking part in research fill in the the online form here. More information on this development is found here.