Every five years the UK Government must carry out an assessment of the current and future risks to the country from climate change. Defra published the first Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) in January 2012. The next assessment is due in January 2017. To inform the 2017 risk assessment, the Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) is working with a range of experts to review published data and publish an independent evidence report of the risks and opportunities to the UK from climate change. This report must be delivered to Government by July 2016. Defra will then use the ASC’s evidence report as the basis of a Government report, which will be laid before Parliament by January 2017. The Adaptation Sub-Committee has published a call for evidence to identify relevant published information which will feed into the evidence report. More information about the call for evidence and how to make a submission can be found by clicking here. Responses are welcome by 12:00 Wednesday 30 April 2014. You can use this opportunity to highlight any evidence to the ASC which you feel would be appropriate for the risk assessment for the health and social care system.
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