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Consultation launches on adapting the UK’s transport system to the impacts of climate change

The Department for Transport (DfT) are seeking views on their transport adaptation strategy, which includes actions and policies to enhance climate adaptation planning and action across the sector.

The DfT have announced their Adaptation Strategy, ‘Fit for a changing climate? Adapting the UK’s transport system’, launched on 03 April, 2024. You can access it here.

Their vision is to have a well-adapted transport network that is flexible, reliable, operates safely and is responsive to a changing climate. Their transport adaptation strategy is a monumental step in bringing this to reality and they welcome collaboration with the transport sector to achieve this ambition.

Consultation description

The transport adaptation strategy includes actions and policies to:

  • Enhance climate adaptation planning across the sector
  • Ensure these plans are achieved
  • Lead to improved climate resilience in the transport system

These policies will be developed over the next 5 years to enable progress ahead of the fourth National Adaptation Programme.

They are seeking views on:

  • The policies included in the strategy and whether you support them
  • How effective you believe the policies will be at enhancing adaptation action taken by transport infrastructure organisations
  • What more you think government could do to adapt to the impacts of climate change on transport infrastructure

Read the adaptation strategy here.

Ways to respond

You are encouraged to engage with the consultation. You can:

Or complete a response form and either

  • Email to:


  • Write to:

Adaptation Strategy Team
Department for Transport
Floor 1, Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 4DR

Consultation closes at 23:59 on 31 May 2024.
department for transport profile logo

Ways to respond

OR complete a response form and either

Email to:


Write to:

Adaptation Strategy Team
Department for Transport
Floor 1, Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 4DR

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