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Consultation on environmental targets

Environmental targets, a key commitment in our Environment Act, will help deliver the government’s vision of leaving the environment in a better state than it was found and will drive forward ambitious environmental improvements by successive governments that protect and enhance our natural world. The targets form part of the government’s response to the clear scientific case, and growing public demand, for a step-change in environmental protection. Environmental targets will require action across the economy and will provide long-term certainty to businesses and society. This will stimulate innovation and economic growth and will create and support green jobs across the country. The Environment Act 2021 requires the government to set at least one long-term target in each of the following areas: air quality; water; biodiversity; and resource efficiency and waste reduction. It also requires targets to be set for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and species abundance. DEFRA are proposing targets that they think will deliver environmental outcomes in the areas where there are some of the greatest problems. This is why they are considering targets beyond the legal minimum that they are required to set, with additional proposals on: biodiversity; water; marine; and woodland cover. Consultations receive a high level of interest across many sectors and using the online tool assists their analysis of responses, enabling more efficient and effective consideration of issues. However, responses can be sent by email or post.
Consultation ends 11 May.

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