Coventry City Council has launched its draft Climate Change Strategy for Coventry and wants to give organisations, businesses and the community an opportunity to tell them what you think about it and how you might be able to support it.
The draft strategy sets out the foundations for creating a sustainable zero carbon city. A summary version is available too.
The strategy supports the delivery of the city’s One Coventry Plan, which includes tackling the causes and consequences of climate change as one of its three key priorities. The strategy aims to help the most vulnerable mitigate the impact of climate change and will help build resilience across the city, while also maximising the economic benefits of the green industrial revolution through new employment opportunities.
Five key areas are covered in the strategy.
Each has its own working group and is chaired by different partners organisations across the city. The areas – known as ‘pathways’ are:
- Low emission development – cleaner air and more jobs and money for Coventry
- Circular development – recycling and reusing our resources (less things in landfill)
- Nature-based development – protecting the city’s wildlife, plants and trees.
- Resilient development – coping with the consequences of climate change (things like flooding, drought and not being able to grow food)
- Equitable development – addressing the effects of climate change on vulnerable/low-income families (paying for food and keeping warm)
To find out more information take a look at the Council’s Climate Change pages.
Please take time to give your views in the survey below, the deadline for responses is May 31.
Drop-in sessions will also be provided, the first of which is at 12:00-14:00 on 29 April at Arena Park Shopping Centre.

More about these webinars
Please register below for one of the webinars. These webinars will be online sessions that will focus in more detail on one of the pathways of the strategy. You can register for as many pathway webinars that you want, so you can get a deeper understanding of the Climate Change Strategy.