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DECC Heat Networks Survey

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is currently conducting a survey to build their evidence base for heat networks. The following information is taken from the survey’s description: This project is part of DECC’s overall goal to increase the evidence available to support policy makers. Specifically, this research will provide us with real data from existing heat networks for the first time and enable us to capture an accurate understanding of the costs, characteristics and performance. The data you provide will support us in advancing the case for further support mechanisms for heat networks. Robust analysis is required to help us understand a number of analytical questions including:

  • What are the specific market failures or barriers to deployment of heat networks that would justify Government support?
  • What market distortions would arise from an RHI type tariff, including potential perverse interactions with other Government policies, e.g. on renewable fuel and electricity?
  • What role can heat networks play in achieving 2020 renewable targets?
  • What is the potential for cost reduction that would see the sector playing a pivotal role in the achievement of longer term goals for 2030 and beyond?

The survey can be found at http://www.decc-heat-networks-survey.co.uk/.

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