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Energy in the Midlands Engine: Powering a New Energy Future

The energy sector in the Midlands is thriving, employing one in three people within the industry nationally and contributing £5 billion a year into the UK economy, 30% of the total national output. The research focuses on the geographic area of the Midlands Engine. This region already supports over 30,000 direct jobs. A further 77,900 jobs are supported through the energy sector supply chain, contributing a further £5.9 billion into the economy. The median salary for energy jobs in the Midlands is £39,800 higher than the average for all jobs in both the region and nationally making the Midlands attractive for well trained professionals. Building on the industrial heritage of the Midlands the energy sector will play a central role as the UK moves towards a decentralised, flexible energy system in a low carbon green economy. UK Power Reserve who commissioned the report with Regeneris Consulting conducting the project, have developed into the country’s largest flexibility provider, due to its recognition of the opportunities clean energy provides. The energy and momentum in the Midlands Engine will create even greater opportunities and achievements. The full report can be found on the UK Power Reserve website.

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