There are several forthcoming closing dates for a wide range of funding and competition opportunities, as follows:
Low Carbon Truck Demonstration Trial: Closes on Wednesday 20 June 2012
The Technology Strategy Board and the Department for Transport (DfT) will invest £9.5million to encourage and assist UK road-haulage operators to buy and use low carbon medium and heavy-goods vehicles. For full details, please visit the Technology Strategy Board website.
Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) – Request for Proposals: Bio Energy – Energy from Waste Demonstrator. The deadline for Notification of Intention to Submit a Proposal was on Thursday 7 June 2012 and the closing date for submissions is on Monday 2 July 2012.
The ETI has announced it is seeking partners for a new £13 million project to help design and build a next generation energy from a waste demonstrator plant to convert typical wastes into electricity and heat. The aim of the project is to commercially demonstrate the ability of how such a plant can create energy from waste, and produce energy at efficiencies higher than previously produced. It is hoped that the plant could be designed by 2014 and operational by 2016. For full details, please visit the Energy Technologies Institute website.
Call for Project Ideas in the Areas of Probability, Uncertainty and Risk in the Environment: The deadline for expressions of interest is on Friday 6 July 2012.
The Probability, Uncertainty and Risk in the Environment (PURE) Network have resources available to support Industrial Mathematics shorter Knowledge Transfer Partnerships in the area of natural hazards. These are collaborative projects, in which a company hosts a postgraduate student from a university research group. For full details, please see the Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network website.
Innovative Environmental Sensors: Closes on Wednesday 11 July 2012
How can the Environment Agency improve its effectiveness and efficiency in gathering data directly from the environment to create compelling evidence fit for purpose? This competition is focussed on its need to measure nutrients in freshwater directly in the field rather than in the laboratory. For full details, please visit the Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network website.
SUPERGEN Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Challenge: Closes on Thursday 16 August 2012
Invitation for proposals: The Research Councils’ Energy programme invites research proposals from eligible individuals addressing the fundamental challenges that face hydrogen and fuel cells technologies. For full details, please visit the Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network website.
Advanced Heat Storage Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) Competition: Closes: on Friday 17 August 2012
The Department for Energy and Climate Change has launched an SBRI competition, in partnership with the Technology Strategy Board (TSB), to assess the performance of advanced thermal storage which can be integrated with heat technologies to help balance peak loads to the grid. For full details, please visit the Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network website.
Bioenergy ERA-NET Call 2012: Closes on Monday 20 August 2012
ERA-NET Bioenergy, a network of organisations from several countries, is to provide funding to support applied European research projects relating to biomass production or biogas. For full details, please see the Technology Strategy Board website.