The academic energy research community has a key role to play in facilitating the growth and development of the wider clean energy sector. To best serve the interests of all stakeholders and benefit the broadest audience, a Network Plus funded through this opportunity will need to include the insights, ideas and experiences of the most diverse set of voices possible. Working towards a diverse, equitable, inclusive and accessible research community will contribute to a more varied and better-informed research programme. In turn, this will contribute to a more diverse, equitable and inclusive society. EPSRC recognises that there is much work going on in this space across the energy sector, in both academia and industry. However, this work is often disconnected across the energy research landscape. This funding opportunity is therefore for a single Network Plus grant on EDI in the energy community in order to promote cohesion across the research community. This is a Network Plus grant and is open to researchers at:
- UK higher education institutions
- UK research council institutes
- UKRI-approved independent research organisations
- eligible public sector research establishments
- NHS bodies with research capacity.