Groundwork Youth is a national programme aiming to galvanise 16-24 year olds across the UK to take positive action in their local communities. Every year Groundwork recruit a network of Youth Ambassadors to develop and launch a national campaign and help promote the importance of youth-led action in local communities and local environments. The Groundwork Youth Network consists of 100 Young Green Ambassadors and 13 Youth Advisory Board members. Current Youth Advisory Board Members attend meetings and events, run workshops, and lead campaigns, steering the programme and using their skills and experiences to help drive forward national campaign. Applications for the next group of youth board members opens this spring/ summer however you can view the role description now. Young Green Ambassadors work closely with their Trusts and local community groups, supporting online and offline campaigns, attending events and developing local projects. They also work closely with their Youth Advisory Board and are key to rolling out Groundworks annual national campaign online and offline. Applications for this role are currently open, with the role description found here.
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