ICE Café 200 Programme
To celebrate ICE 200th anniversary they are reaching out to the wider community to explain how civil engineers transform lives for the better and safeguard the future through the Café 200 initiative – a programme of engineering talks to coffee morning groups to widen their exposure to the public. Speakers will explain why civil engineers is so important and how they are doing their bit to make the modern world work. ICE are looking for a diverse range of engineers that are happy to talk about topics ranging from the life and works of Thomas Telford, the future of transport and infrastructure, the risks and benefits of autonomous vehicles, airport design, tunneling, bridge design, the development of Hong Kong and much more. Further information including contact information.
ICE Lunch and Learns
ICE’s Lunch and Learn series is an exciting and varied programme of talks delivered online. ICE are looking for industry-experts to present on a range of significant topics including infrastructure transformation, energy resilience & climate change, digital engineering & built environment resilience & urbanisation, lifelong learning & diversity and more. Make the most of your Thursday and/or Friday lunch breaks by registering to attend the Lunch and Learn talks. Enjoy individually or set up a laptop in the meeting room and watch with your fellow colleagues. The programme is a convenient way to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and a great opportunity to earn CPD points. Click here to view the upcoming webinars.