(IAWM) have released a blog looking into innovation within the construction industry. While most other industries have undergone tremendous changes over the past few decades and have reaped the benefits of process, product and service innovations, the construction sector has been hesitant to fully embrace the latest innovation opportunities open to it. The West Midlands has a strong and thriving sustainable construction sector and this was emphasised by the publication of last year’s West Midlands Science and Innovation Audit, which identified this sector as one of the region’s four main market strengths. IAWM convened a workshop on 13 February in Birmingham that gave an opportunity for sustainable construction contractors, consultants and academics – in other words, the experts – to consider these questions and help to determine what extra support they may need to innovate. This could include their approach to design, risk and cost whilst also recognising the need to continue to meet professional and regulatory standards. The whole blog can be found here with information on the outcomes of the workshop and the opportunities that the construction industry has.