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Introduction To The Midlands Forest Network – Midlands Engine

The Midlands Engine Observatory, in partnership with the National Forest and Woodland Trust, is creating a National Lottery Heritage Fund funding bid to support a two-year development phase aimed at enabling a ‘Midlands Forest Network’ to be delivered. They held a webinar to brief stakeholders about the project on 30 September 2022 and are now seeking letters of support for the project.

From Midlands Engine:

We were so pleased to have over 90 stakeholders from across the Midlands join to hear more about the Midlands Forest Network and how partners can get involved. We’ve made available below the following resources from the webinar, so you can still learn more about the Midlands Forest Network project.

  • To watch a recording of Friday’s webinar, please click here (unfortunately, the first 10min of the event didn’t record but this was mostly scene setting).
  • You can download the presentation shown at the webinar.
  • A number of attendees requested a one-page summary of the project to be made available following the event. You can download this here.
  • Due to time constraints, we weren’t able to answer all questions during the webinar. You can find answers to all these questions in our FAQ (download here).

Please note all download links will expire one week after you receive them.

What Happens Next?

There are two immediate ways you can begin to get involved if you would like to become a partner in the Midlands Forest Network:

  1. Submit a Letter of Support to be included with the application to National Lottery Heritage Fund for the £250k grant funding bid. To learn more about this, please contact markbrown@woodlandtrust.org.uk.
  2. Join and engage in the Midlands Forest Network ForumYou can subscribe here.

You can also view an overview of the timeline for the project over the next six months below.

If you have any further questions regarding the Midlands Forest Network, please get in touch at green.growth@midlandsengine.org.

Thank you and we look forward to partnering with you on this exciting regional project.

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