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Invitation to Tender: Market Research and Intelligence Gathering for Sustainable Business Services

SBS is a commercial service offering provided under the Groundwork brand. Groundwork UK is a registered charity and comprises members operating as part of the Federation of Groundwork Trusts, each consitituted organisations in their own right, which aims to create better places, improve people’s prospects and encourage greener living and working.  The growth of commercial services is a fundamental element of Groundwork’s long term income generation strategy. This tender is to appoint an appropriately qualified consultant / agency to provide strategic support to our group of SBS lead managers / directors who are developing a new strategic plan to accelerate the growth and development of our commercial consultancy services. SBS has been successfully delivered by Groundwork for 30 years. During this time our product and services have evolved significantly to meet the needs of local, regional and national clients ranging from development agencies, regulators, LEPs, private business and local authorities. This piece of work will provide our SBS lead managers with specialist market intelligence and insight about the market for sustainable business services (incorporating but not limited to environmental & carbon management, health and safety, quality, CSR, energy, legal compliance services and auditing). The outcome from this work will be used to inform decision making across the federation about our future strategy for growth of this important area of activity for Groundwork. To access the full tender, please email SBStender@groundwork.org.uk to express your interest, providing a contact name, company name & address and a short summary (250 words) explaining your relevant previous experience. More information here.  

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