Local businesses heard how Coventry is a top five entrepreneurial city during a major conference at FANUC UK last week. Around 100 business leaders attended Coventry City Council and its delivery partners ‘access to finance’ conference to hear from a range of speakers about on-going investment in the region. The event was held during the Coventry and Warwickshire Business Festival and brought together the business community under one roof to celebrate the first year of success of ERDF funded programmes: Business Support, Green Business and Innovation. Adam Dent, Managing Director of Advent Communications, chaired the event which was hosted by Tom Bouchier, Managing Director, FANUC UK and supported by the local Growth Hub, Chamber and Warwickshire County Council. The Council’s Director of Business, Investment and Culture, Andy Williams said Coventry and Warwickshire is restoring pride in its region with some major events to look forward to. He added that a world class automotive sector is being created with the new National Automotive Innovation Centre and the Battery Industrialisation Centre, which will enable local industry to work side-by-side on some very exciting projects. He continued to add that Coventry and Warwickshire is the fastest growing economy outside the South East and with new investment and infrastructure growth there has never been a better time to invest in the area. He also outlined all the ERDF funding opportunities that are available to SMEs around business support and capital investment grants to enable growth going forward. The final two speakers, Pamela Cain from Marchant Cain and Steven Bell at Pashley Cycles, two local organisations who have received ERDF grant funding, shared their successes of their capital investments which have enabled them to grow as a business. Andy said: “It has been a fantastic event that has highlighted that our region has a lot of positive opportunities and can continue to grow in uncertain times.” For further information about funding opportunities please visit the Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub at www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk Please contact Denise Osborne denise.osborne@coventry.gov.uk for further details about this release.