JRF wish to fund two/three projects which will bring together local authorities, communities and other agencies to develop strategic responses to climate change, in areas which are particularly vulnerable, and likely to be disadvantaged by climate impacts. The deadline for submissions is 23:59 hours on Monday, 8 September 2014. The aim is to improve local community resilience in different contexts across the UK. We anticipate this may involve:
- Identifying the issues of concern in the localities in question, in light of the possible consequences of climate change;
- Facilitation of dialogue and engagement between relevant stakeholders, to identify how to move from a position of vulnerability to resilience and to consider the roles and responsibilities of different parties in achieving this;
- Supporting the development and delivery of strategic responses, including specific actions which will address climate resilience in equitable ways;
- A report and evaluation assessing the impact of the work.
For more information, please visit JRF’s website.