The 2018 UI Green Metric World University rankings saw 719 universities from 81 countries ranked for their campus sustainability efforts. Keele was placed 13th in the overall table, rising four places despite 100 more institutions taking part this year.
Keele was also ranked No.1 in the UK for green setting and campus infrastructure.
The rankings look at six indicators of each university including setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste, water, transportation, and education. This is the ninth edition of the UI Green Metric ranking, which compares universities’ efforts towards campus sustainability, environment-friendly university management and sustainability education.
Professor Mark Ormerod, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost at Keele University, said: “We are delighted to again be ranked so highly in this global sustainability league table. Keele has a strong and far-reaching commitment to sustainability, which is a core institutional priority, and this result reflects our approach to embedding sustainability across everything that we do. This is the third successive year that Keele University has been ranked in the Global Top 20, demonstrating Keele’s strong commitment to educating our students on sustainability, and to ensuring we improve the sustainability of our operations. This success follows the launch of our Root and Branch campaign, which captures the full breadth of the University’s sustainability activities and our ambitions to continue to be sector leaders in this field, as well as being at the forefront of environmental and sustainability research.”
SWM would like to congratulate Keele University, one of our members, for this fantastic achievement!