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LGA Climate Action Plan Roundtables – Expression of Interest

The Climate Change Committee report advises that local authorities “Develop Net Zero or climate action plans with delivery projects that prepare the area to make the transition to net zero choices from 2030, and align with climate adaptation, biodiversity net gain and other key local strategies. These will include immediate actions that kick-start delivery now and that support low-carbon and green skills and jobs.” The LGA is supporting up to 30 councils in their creation and development of climate action plans by organising three roundtables to bring councils together to discuss and share learning through facilitated peer support. These roundtables will take place in March 2022 run by SWM and are open to and will benefit all councils at any stage in their development or implementation of their climate action plans. Councils are invited to express interest in attending one of these roundtable sessions which will last 2.5 hours, ensuring there is enough time for both discussion and reflection. The sessions will be guided by you, with external facilitation and guest speakers contributing, but questions to be considered and discussed during the session among others will include… –       What have the challenges been in developing/implementing your climate action plan? –       What are the bumps in the road going to be and what mitigation have you put in place? –       How are you monitoring delivery against the objectives in your climate action plan? –       Are there other partners you need to engage with who haven’t already been approached? This is an expression of interest form to participate. Please note there are limited spaces for these roundtables, when full additional councils will be placed on a waiting list All data provided will be used by the LGA and our delivery partners, led by Sustainability West Midlands, for the legitimate purpose of delivering the roundtables.

To register your interest, Click here.

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