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Local firms needed to showcase low carbon expertise

Birmingham based firms that provide goods and services to the low carbon market, particularly to the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector, are being invited to help promote Birmingham as a centre of low carbon enterprise.  
Business Birmingham, the city’s strategic inward investment programme, and Birmingham City Council have commissioned MEBC (Midlands Environmental Business Company) to identify successful local companies engaged in the low carbon and environmental sector. The research will include a series of business surveys being conducted over the next few weeks which aim to identify current best practice and success in these new markets, understand the barriers and constraints to growth and the best way to support businesses in these sectors in the future.
A key aim of the research will be to understand the criteria that enable successful companies to diversify or make the transition to low carbon and establish which common factors can create a distinctive proposition for Birmingham.
If your company would like to get involved in this research please visit www.mebconline.com to register your interest and participate in the survey. 

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