The strategy will set out how they intend to invest their resources to make this happen and to put the case to Government for further investment in the area, so it is vital that they understand the opportunities and challenges facing our local businesses. This is your local industrial strategy. Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire Enterprise Partnership need your input so that it properly reflects the needs and ambitions for Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire. They have now put together a draft Local Industrial Strategy following extensive consultation with businesses, further education organisations, local authorities and other partners. You can read the draft strategy here: SSLEP LIS – Draft for Public Consultation – 10.01.2020 Before they submit the final strategy to the Government they would like your opinion. Please let them know your views on the strategy and any suggestions by contacting: Samantha.hicks@staffordshire.gov.uk The deadline to complete the consultation is Monday February 10 at midday.