The Birmingham Green Commission’s Making Birmingham Greener and Healthier Awards have become bigger and better! Birmingham City Council, in partnership with environmental company Veolia, are inviting schools, colleges, universities, businesses and community groups to apply to become Birmingham’s “green champions” for 2016. The awards will promote and celebrate sustainable development; sustainable travel; sustainability in business; energy reduction; increased recycling; making space for nature plus health and wellbeing initiatives for people living and working within the city. Entries are welcome from all, or a selection, of the five categories, each of which have a sub-category for business, community and education establishment entries:
- Best Energy Efficiency Scheme Application Form 2016
- Best Waste & Recycling Scheme Application Form 2016
- Best Greener & Healthier Lifestyles (Food) Scheme Application Form 2016
- Birmingham Connected Sustainable Travel Award Application Form 2016
- Best Naturally Green (Biophilic) Scheme Application Form 2016
The closing date for the receipt of application forms is: Tuesday 31 May.