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McCue Annual Sustainability Reporting using SustainIQ

Annual Sustainability Reporting

McCue care about the socio-economic impact of their business, ensuring every project falls within the aims of their four ESG pillars – Procurement, Planet, People & Place. Using SustainIQ for annual sustainability reporting, McCue has simplified what previously was a resource-heavy, time-consuming task, with access to instant performance data reports, saving time and money across the organisation.

How Is SustainIQ Being Used?

SustainIQ simplifies the process of annual sustainability reporting McCue. By providing one central repository for all sustainability data across the organisation, SustainIQ ensures no data is lost in silos across the organisation. At any point throughout the financial year, then, SustainIQ can be used to run instant environmental performance reports, or used at year-end to pull together a full-year sustainability report – all at the touch of a button. McCue benefit from:
  • Using SustainIQ across all projects, reporting on GHG emissions in scope 1, 2 and 3.
  • Benchmarking performance against their baseline emissions year of 2020, monitoring annual decreases in GHG emissions
  • Providing instant environmental, social, and economic reports, including:
    • BREEAM compliant reports
    • Streamlined energy carbon reporting.
    • Full environmental performance reports.
    • Site waste management plans;
    • Community engagement planners;
    • Internal and external social value reporting.
  • Gaining a real-time insight to sustainability performance across all projects, allowing for easy comparison and cross-checking to identify opportunities.
  • Unlimited users, unlimited sites all for one set fee.

Benefits Of SustainIQ

Annual sustainability reporting can be a costly process for organisations, requiring investment of staff time, external partners and possibly consultants in some scenarios. Using SustainIQ, McCue can not only recover time-wasted in compiling data, but reduce time spent in actually writing reports, reallocating that resource elsewhere to exploit other opportunities. With SustainIQ’s instant report library:
  • SustainIQ provides McCue with one central location to pull sustainability & ESG reporting together.
  • That data then allows McCue to measure their performance against goals outlined in their McCue Cares strategy,
  • Annually, SustainIQ eliminates time-spent generating time-consuming reports, outputting required information for annual and legislative reporting at the touch of a button
  • SustainIQ allows for goals to be set for each individual site, allowing McCue to set parameters for each project that align with the ambitions of their sustainability goals and objectives
  • McCue align their strategy with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), and can measure performance directly through SustainIQ’s reporting dashboard.
Social Value And Competitive Edge
McCue is committed to maximising the social impact they can have across all communities they work in. With commitments to People, Health & Diversity and the Community, McCue are embracing their approach to health and wellbeing, apprenticeships, placements and charity partnerships. Using SustainIQ’s social value reporting capabilities, McCue can capture social value performance across projects, and use that data to not only report annually, but support answers in PQQs and tender responses to help them consistently win business.

Click here to view this article on the SustainIQ website.

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