This strategy demonstrates Midlands ability to deliver, by 2041:
- £10bn GVA to the Midlands and UK economy
- 29% CO2 reduction against current levels
- 167,000 new or safeguarded jobs
The Midlands is the manufacturing heartland of the UK, with unrivalled expertise and capacity to make and apply low carbon hydrogen technologies to deliver net zero. It is hydrogen technologies that have the power to connect hydrogen generators and end users – and it is the Midlands that has the power to make those technologies, for use in areas as diverse as transport, domestic heating and off grid power supplies. Driven by industry and in partnership with the public sector and academia, the rapidly growing Hydrogen Technologies Valley in the Midlands continues to go from strength to strength: an ecosystem of innovation and infrastructure that enables hydrogen technologies to be developed, commercialised and industrialised, at scale. Launching today, the pioneering Midlands Engine Hydrogen Technologies Strategy has been co-created by partners from right across the region, including Cenex, to crystallise and champion the pivotal role the Midlands can play in low carbon hydrogen, to achieve government ambitions to expand the UK hydrogen economy and drive sustainable growth. The Midlands Engine Hydrogen Technologies Strategy is part of the pan-regional partnership’s wider Ten Point Plan for Green Growth which is galvanising action for a cleaner, greener, better Midlands. Its publication represents a significant milestone in the region’s accelerated transition to net zero. Independent analysis demonstrates that mobilising to implement the ten actions set out in the strategy could deliver 167,000 new or safeguarded jobs, £10bn GVA to the Midlands and UK economy and 29% CO2 reduction against current levels in the next ten years – through these interventions alone. The strategy also underlines the unparalleled regional unity the Midlands demonstrates around the green growth and the net zero agenda – with active leadership from partners including Cenex, EDF Energy, JCB, Worcester Bosch and Intelligent Energy; input from academic institutions such as the University of Nottingham and Energy Research Accelerator; and clear political support from both government and opposition parties. Click here to learn more.