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Minerva Birmingham Pitch Up

The established premier pitching competition of the West Midlands is back with a new name; Minerva Birmingham Pitch Up. The pitching competition (previously known as Pitchfest WM) will still hold its inaugural final at Venturefest WM the regions most prestigious event for growth focused businesses. The Minerva Birmingham Pitch Up competition hosted by Aston University and IAWM will provide the opportunity for ambitious businesses to improve your ability to win investment while simultaneously boosting your business’s profile. Over the last 5 years, the competition was created and delivered by the Centre for Growth at Aston University, Bizzlnn at the University of Birmingham and Minerva at the University of Warwick Science Park. Over this period, we have put over 125 entrepreneurs directly in front of investors and helped bring over £40,000,000 of investments to the region’s small businesses. The competition begins with pitch preparation, helping to refine your investment pitch. Judging rounds follow, where you pitch directly to a panel of investors, receiving valuable feedback on your presentation. Then comes the public final, hosted at Venturefest West Midlands, where the best business pitches compete in front of a live audience of investors and entrepreneurs to win the Best Pitch Award. Click here to learn more.

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