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Natural Networks Officer Job Opportunity-Worcestershire Wildlife Trust

Natural Networks is an established Worcestershire-wide four year European Rural Development Fund (ERDF) funded partnership between Worcestershire Wildlife Trust and Worcestershire County Council. The project aims to deliver direct habitat improvements in the county and offers grants to landowners, organisations and communities wishing to enhance land for wildlife. You will be working closely with partners and applicants using your biodiversity expertise to help deliver new and improved habitat across Worcestershire. You will collect baseline ecological information, provide management recommendations for habitat enhancements and help to guide applicants through the ERDF grant application process. This is a varied and skilled role and will require you to work on a diverse range of projects from small grasslands to significant wetland creation. You’ll have relevant qualifications and significant experience in land management and ecological survey, excellent communication skills, an enthusiasm for wildlife, good field identification skills and a capacity to work to challenging deadlines. The post requires a full driving licence. It is full time and will run until December 2022. This post is 50% funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Closing Date:Midnight 24 October 2021.

Interviews: 9th and 11th November 2021

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