EBRI are offering FREE 30 minute consultations, by phone or through the internet, to companies that want to explore the growth opportunities of becoming net zero. As customer demand for low carbon goods and services is rising, it is becoming increasingly important for suppliers to demonstrate their carbon footprint. More and more businesses are reviewing their supply chain emissions. All of these factors will drive growth in the low carbon market sectors including bioenergy, energy-from-waste, energy systems and bioproducts. The EBRI team are available to give you support and guidance on how to develop new, sustainable, low carbon products and services from a whole range of different waste materials. Redundant material such as food waste, cardboard boxes, plastic waste, sawdust, waste oils, manure, hay straw, sugar beet residue and spent grain waste from breweries are only a few examples of waste that could potentially open up fresh possibilities for your business. Click here for more details