A coalition including planners, local authorities, developers and environmental organisations has launched a new guide to planning and climate change.
The guide is designed primarily for local authorities and the forthcoming Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) who want to both tackle climate change and enable greater use of renewable energy.
It builds on work carried out earlier this year to update PPS1 on planning and climate change and PPS22 on renewable energy.
Speaking on behalf of the coalition TCPA chief planner Dr Hugh Ellis said: “While the planning system is still in a state of flux, this cannot be allowed to delay action on climate change.
“80% of UK carbon emissions occur through locally based activities. Many of the impacts of climate change, such as flooding, can also play out in ways which require local solutions.
“Local communities are at the cutting edge of this challenge because they have responsibility for a whole range of decisions that are vital to our collective future.”
The Planning and Climate Change Guide: guidance and model policies for local authorities can be downloaded here.
Source: Planning Daily