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New West Midlands cycle hire scheme to start with pilot in Sutton Coldfield

A new cycle hire scheme is due to launch across the West Midlands next year offering more people the chance to cycle around our towns and cities. Contractor Serco, who run London’s Santander Cycles, will initially provide 1,500 bikes for hire, of which 10% will be ebikes. Following a link up with the Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council (RSCTC) the scheme will be launched with a limited trial in the town in February 2021 followed by a full public launch across the West Midlands from March.  Up to eight docking stations are to be installed in key locations around the town centre including the edge of Sutton Park. TfWM, which is part of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), has agreed a five-year contract to offer more people the opportunity to enjoy cycling and provide a convenient alternative to the car for shorter journeys.

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