The aims of this competition are to:
- decarbonise gas and electric energy distribution and transmission networks and benefit the consumer
- improve coordination between networks and other system participants
- reduce duplication and excessive variation of products, processes, or services
- reduce complexity, bureaucracy, and barriers to entry
- improve coordination of emerging innovations across networks, generators, market participants, investors, local & national policy makers, consumers, and other key stakeholders
- understand consumers’ preferences to inform future market designs which will help to optimise across networks and infrastructures
The aims of this competition are to:
- decarbonise gas and electric energy distribution and transmission networks and benefit the consumer
- deliver the next generation of user driven digital products, services and processes spanning transmission and distribution plus Government, generators, suppliers, local authorities, and other organisations
- deliver the enabling digital technologies required to accelerate progress in other challenge areas
- improve data monitoring, availability, quality, collection, interoperability, access, and insights to third parties in order to increase consumer choices and improve the efficiency, security and resilience of networks
The aims of this competition are to:
- decarbonise gas and electric energy distribution and transmission networks and benefit the consumer
- develop innovative products, processes and services for the planning, operation and delivery of energy networks that support low carbon heating solutions
- produce insights and findings to support decision making for low carbon heating by energy networks, industry, and government
- demonstrate how low carbon heating can be intelligently managed during operation to improve efficiency and reduce overall energy system costs
The aims of this competition are to:
- decarbonise gas and electric energy distribution and transmission networks and benefit the consumer
- develop the technologies, infrastructure, and processes required to support and accelerate at-scale up take of zero emission transport options
- maximise opportunities to integrate zero emission transport energy provision with the wider energy sector, for example for constraint management or maximising use of renewables
- coordinate strategic energy networks decisions with the transport sector, to ensure delivery of an efficient energy system which also meets the needs of transport users
- provide greater certainty on the options, costs, and timelines for energy network infrastructure availability which supports zero emission transportation