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Our comment: The Budget

The Budget

The recent budget will make a mixed contribution to supporting our roadmap 2020 priorities for a better region. On the positive side, the range of support for energy taxes and investment in energy and water efficient equipment, metal recycling, the use of combined heat and power, low carbon vehicles and research and development will help our manufacturing sector.  It will also stimulate some of the low carbon jobs and decentralised energy networks we need. On the negative side the funding announced for flood defences will not replace what has already been cut or is predicted to be required. Ongoing cuts in other Defra agencies make it unlikely that the often cheaper alternative measures we need to slow or store flood water, for example green infrastructure, will be accelerated. This budget also reflects the concerns voiced at our annual conference, that despite the certainty provided by the Climate Change Act targets, the Government is not fulfilling its role of providing a stable policy and regulatory environment, especially for renewables and building energy efficiency. This is slowing the investment and innovation needed to deliver the targets. Those who are excited about the support for shale gas may want to reflect on the experience of enterprising companies in the domestic renewable and energy efficiency sector that experienced similar initial support, but in the end have experienced a very rocky journey. Dr Simon Slater, on behalf of the SWM team

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