Website by Slingshot
10 Apr 2014
Renewable Heat Incentive for homes opens
Homes across the UK will now be able to be claim hundreds of pounds for the heat they generate from renewable technologies such as biomass boilers and solar hot water systems under the long-awaited domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).
The scheme means UK households will be the first in the world to receive payments from the Government for the amount of renewable energy they produce. Under the domestic RHI, they will paid quarterly for seven years for heat generated from biomass boilers, solar thermal panels, and air and ground source heat pumps.
Greg Barker, the Energy Minister, announced the launch of the scheme via Twitter lasts here! Domestic #RHI signed into law tonight and opening TOMORROW!” “Milestone”
Today’s launch of the domestic RHI follows years of delay and the industry welcomed the opening of the scheme, describing it as a “milestone”.
The highest tariff level has been set for solar thermal, which will receive a minimum of 19.2 pence per kilowatt hour (p/kWh) generated. Biomass boilers will receive 12.2 p/kWh, while ground source heat pumps will receive 18.8p/kWh and air source heat pumps 7.3 p/kWh.
More information can be found here.