The WMCA believes that the repurposing of existing buildings also has the potential to contribute to the regeneration of high streets and city centres, helping to improve occupancy rates and accelerate post-Covid recovery. To accelerate the uptake of repurposing in the West Midlands, they are proposing the creation of a digital West Midlands Repurposing Framework to assist Local Authorities, and the private and third sectors, in approaching the repurposing of buildings. This would include: – Clear definitions of “repurposing” and associated terminology – An outline of the financial, social, and environmental benefits of the approach – Guidance on the assessment of building viability for repurposing (e.g. data requirements etc) – Guidance on how to approach the repurposing of buildings. This contract is for the delivery of a feasibility study for the proposal, leading to the production of a West Midlands Repurposing framework. This is a project we’ve supported the development of through the West Midlands Innovation programme.