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Save Today, Play Tomorrow and WeAre8 unite to power a healthier and more sustainable future for football

WeAre8, the transformational social platform, is partnering with Save Today, Play Tomorrow (STPT), a programme created to empower and engender thousands of players and supporters to make grassroots football healthier and more sustainable for future generations.

WeAre8 is a unique platform, a safe space to connect with your community. It’s social media without the hate, so individuals can express their authentic selves. You control the stories and friends you see, not an algorithm.

In addition to being a ‘safe’ home for its citizens, one of the key differentiators of WeAre8 lies in its transformational economic model. The platform’s unique approach ensures that the majority of its ad revenue (60%) goes directly back to the community groups, people, charities, creators, and planet projects for every ad viewed on the app.

WeAre8 shares its success by helping to raise funds for charity and community groups like STPT. You too can be a part of this, by paying forward money you earn on WeAre8 to STPT, and help them create a healthier and more sustainable future for the grassroots game.

If just 5,000 people watch 2 minutes of ads per day on WeAre8 and pay it forward, STPT would receive an extra £730,000 every year to invest back in to environmental and sustainability projects within the grassroots game!

Here’s how you get involved:

  • Download WeAre8 here and WeAre8 will drop £1 into your 8Wallet to get you started.
  • Create a Profile and secure your handle.
  • Follow Save Today, Play Tomorrow on 8.
We are 8

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