From 2020, Severn Trent are going to be giving away around £10million over five years to support local projects, charities and community groups. We’re calling this our Community Fund. The fund will be overseen by a Customer Panel whose role will be to review applications and ultimately decide where our money will be spent. We’re looking for people to volunteer and join us on this panel. We’re looking for 1 person to chair the panel and 5 panel members; who are all Severn Trent customers (but don’t work for STW). To match the aims of our Community Fund, we’d like these people to have either professional experience or genuine & demonstrable personal interest in one or more of the following;
- Environmental protection
- Sustainability
- Working with young people
- Diversity, Equality & Inclusion – including Mental Health, Social Mobility & Disabilities.
- Work supporting the local community
There will be 4 panel meetings held quarterly across the year at various locations across our region (duration c.4 hrs per meeting). There will be some pre-reading of all relevant documents prior to the meetings to facilitate informed discussions (c.1hr per month). There will also be reviewing of smaller-sized grants by exception on a monthly basis (c. 1hr per month) which can be done from home. They are unpaid / voluntary positions, but all reasonable expenses (e.g. mileage) will be covered and they will be supplied with an iPad where all the documents can be accessed. All the information about the roles can be found on our website here, including details on the roles and how to apply. Deadline is the 31st October 2019.