An excellent opportunity has arisen to exhibit your business’s responsible or sustainable business practices with the Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business at the University of Birmingham. The Centre for Responsible Business are committed to sharing best practice in responsible business to inspire others to shape their own practices. The Centre works towards helping all businesses to be the best that they can be and aspire to responsible and sustainable business future, through partnerships with businesses, developing innovative toolkits and cultivating thought-leading research into specific problem areas for businesses, designed to help organisations generate profit whilst also safeguarding the economy, environment and society. As part of a new drive towards promoting responsible business, the Centre is developing a series of case studies that showcase responsible or sustainable business practice which relates to one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially those which exemplify innovation and excellence across all sectors and sizes or organisation. A selection of these case studies will be featured on the Centre’s website and will form a vital part of a long lasting communications/social media campaign which aims to celebrate best business practice in the UK and internationally. Your responsible business may be featured in the Centre’s quarterly newsletter which has a fantastic readership of businesses, policy makers and consumers across the UK, and shared with their esteemed responsible business partners via social media and email campaigns. The Centre will also be using these case studies to inform their research and teaching output within the University, and there’s scope for features in Centre publications, including, if suitable, the first in their planned series of books. If you would like to be a part of this exciting campaign, fill out this form on the Centre’s website.
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