- Made from 100% recycled plastics
- Sustainable design which can be easily dissembled for re-use or recycled
- Flat packed for efficient transportation in standard ISO shipping container
- Easily erected by unskilled labour
- Only basic tools required for assembly construction
- Complies with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) specification
- Suitable for ALL climates
Compared to traditional UNHCR tents:
- Expected life span of 10 years compared to 18 months
- Provides safer, healthier, more comfortable accommodation
- Greater security with lockable doors and windows
- Modular units can be joined together for larger families
- Durable shelters can be stored long term before use
- Can also be used as a transitional shelter
“I found myself in a homeless position many years ago, and wanted to share my experience and give back and help others that are homeless or facing homeless by creating a solution called a homeless hub which offers support and emergency accommodation cost effective for local authorities.
My team are formed of volunteered civil engineers and academic backgrounds from the University of Birmingham, I have carried out a viability report on the project and drafted a blueprint how it would work and the support offered.
I have approached a manufacturer that can run the prototype out and made an initial deposit and applied for innovated grant, but the grant will not arrive on time and need to raise emergency funding to help finalise the project.
The purpose of this project is to offer secure water tight accommodation which can be mobilised in emergency circumstances nationally, at the moment people are facing hardship and homelessness our blueprint can be set up in disused warehouses as emergency accommodation hub.”
View the Suscons Disaster Relief Shelter flyer, PDF View the Street to Meet flyer, PDF