We’re setting up an External Advisory Committee to provide independent views on what we do, and to help us deliver against our Business Plan to 2025. The External Advisory Committee will be made up of no more than 10 individuals with the following characteristics:
- Representing our key stakeholders sectors (private, public and third sector)
- At least one from a SWM member organisation
- At least one from a SWM network
- Professional or personal commitment to sustainable development
- Aware of the different needs of the sub-regions and communities within the West Midlands.
- With knowledge covering our eight Sustainability Roadmap to 2030 themes
- Representative of the diverse communities of the region
The External Advisory Committee will meet quarterly either in person at SWM’s office in central Birmingham, or virtually via Teams or Zoom. Each meeting will last a maximum of two hours. The SWM Chief Executive (Anna Bright) and Office Manager (Shabnum Hudda) will attend all meetings, along with other representatives from the SWM team as appropriate. The External Advisory Committee is entirely independent to our Board who govern the organisation and are non-executive directors to the company.
How to apply
Please provide a covering letter and your CV as one electronic document of no more than 3 sides of A4 in total, setting out:- Why you are interested in being part of the External Advisory
- What benefits you feel you can bring