has been created in recognition of the need to ensure our working population is supported – designed to encourage and reward employers for improving the health and wellbeing offer to their employees. The Thrive at Work Programme has been reviewed and accredited by Innovate Awarding and is endorsed by the NHS Health Education England. You can attend a showcase event coming up on 4 February 2020 to find out more information on the programme. Thrive at Work is a workplace commitment with criteria and guidelines on creating a workplace that promotes employee health and wellbeing, focusing on key organisational enablers such as health and safety, manager training etc. in addition to health areas such as mental, musculoskeletal and physical health and promoting healthy lifestyles. It will include a supporting toolkit of available local and national resources, policies and services that would support implementation of the commitment and intervention uptake by employees by making it clearer and easier for them to raise awareness and take action to improve employee health and wellbeing. The toolkit will include a health needs assessment template which employers can apply to their organisation at their discretion to determine which areas of Thrive at Work are most pertinent to them. Thrive at Work will be made accessible to employers and employees via a PDF and also an interactive, mobile-friendly website. There will be login areas for employers to create an account, access resources and update progress on the Thrive at Work Commitment. They can also choose to receive materials (such as prompts, reminders, progress updates etc.) on a regular basis via the website or e-mail. Behavioural change will be built in to these materials to encourage awareness and action. Network meetings in some of the trial groups will also facilitate learning and change.