University of Birmingham are seeking organisations that would be willing to host a final year placement student from the University of Birmingham. The placement students are from Environmental Science or Physical Geography programmes and we ask that the placement involved a specific project that they can work on. The project can involve primary research or can be something more applied/practical. The placement itself runs in semester 2 which is an 11 week semester starting in early January. The student is expected to complete about 80 hours of work at the actual placement itself and then to do additional work outside on their assessment which involves a presentation, a report and self-reflective diary. The report can form an official report for the placement host. The university support the students with £50 towards their travel costs so we would need the placement to be located within the West Midlands to avoid prohibitive costs for the student. The work can be based at an office or on field sites. We do require that the placement host can cover insurance for the student while on the placement. Students apply for the placements on offer in Mid-November so we would need details before then. We then shortlist and interview in the first 2 weeks of December and placement hosts can be involved in this process if they would like. If you need any further information or want to chat further then please email Lesley Batty (l.c.batty@bham.ac.uk)