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Update on waste sector legislation at metnet conference

Companies operating in the waste sector across the Marches should be aware of current legislation, with latest figures showing the industry paid out more than £1.7m in fines last year.

The average fine for businesses prosecuted for failing to comply with legislation was £6,855 and waste companies are now being invited to discover how they can stay on the right side of regulations at an event in Ludlow next month.

The Marches Environmental Technologies Network conference will be held on November 1 and includes a workshop which will give companies a comprehensive update on rules surrounding waste permits, as well as a presentation highlighting innovations in the waste sector.

The metnet conference at Ludlow Racecourse on November 1 will also hear from leading speaker on waste and recycling Nia Owen, of AEA Technology, a leading energy and climate change consultancy. The presentation will focus on current innovations and opportunities within the waste sector.

The metnet conference will also give delegates a chance to hear about business opportunities presented by the Green Deal, and a chance to learn how to improve their business networking skills with a keynote presentation with networking guru and business coach, Kevin Parr.

The conference will also feature a keynote presentation from Dr Robin Mannings, a futurologist, who will be speaking about what is on the horizon for the environmental sector and the impacts these innovations and changes can have on the businesses and people which work within it.


For more information, visit the metnet website.


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