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West Mercia Energy (WME) celebrate their 10th birthday and launch “Use Cleaner Use Less” campaign

WME Celebrate 10th Birthday

West Mercia Energy have been providing energy for over 25 years in one form or another. Many will remember that West Mercia Energy was previously a division within West Mercia Supplies (WMS). However, on 19th April, they marked 10 years as WME.

While a lot has changed over that period, their mission remains the same; “Delivering a cost effective, trusted and hassle-free energy solution, while supporting our customers’ environmental ambitions”. We continue to do this while upholding our core values in everything we do. This includes providing excellent customer service across the organisation, operating in an open and transparent manner and protecting the public purse as far as we possibly can. Here’s to the next 10 years, much of which will be focused on leading the way in supporting our customers, and the wider public sector, achieve their net-zero carbon ambitions”.

WME Launch “Use Cleaner Use Less”

The new campaign will support all WME customers, ranging from schools and academies through to large local authorities, to use less energy, become more energy efficient and to use cleaner energy.

Use Cleaner

 – Even with the most efficient buildings and equipment, the public sector is still going to be a large energy consumer. Therefore, our “use cleaner” pillar, focuses on ensuring that the energy that is consumed, is of the lowest carbon possible. WME can provide 100% renewable gas and electricity, via our framework provider, but this goes much further. Supporting customers to self-generate, consider PPA’s, demand side response and battery storage. We already provide innovative offset solutions, enabling customers to utilise locally sourced renewable generation. Use Less – This focuses on supporting and encouraging customers both reduce their energy consumption, but also be more efficient with energy use. This will both reduce their carbon footprint, but also make savings on energy spend. This will be delivered through a range of different approaches, including enhanced data provision, an education programme, energy efficiency resources and benchmarking. As part of the “use less” pillar, we have enhanced our energy monitoring platform, MYWME. This will help WME customers to manage and monitor their energy consumption more efficiently and support them to make more informed decisions on how best to reduce their energy consumption, while monitoring the successes of any changes made.  

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