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WMCA draft action plan shows how region can reach net zero carbon by 2041 and create 1000s of new jobs

The West Midlands can achieve its ambitious target of becoming net zero carbon by 2041 and create thousands of new jobs if the region pulls together to tackle climate change. Independent experts commissioned by the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) have outlined a draft five-year roadmap to 2026 which if adopted will also bring major improvements to the economy and people’s quality of life. The scale of the challenge – as well as the economic, social and environmental opportunities it can bring – have been set out in the proposed WMCA #WM2041 Five Year Plan. The Plan outlines the action needed to drive a cut in carbon of around 25% by 2026, the reduction needed to keep the region on course to meet the 2041 target and accelerate a green and inclusive economic recovery. The research also found that more than 21,000 new jobs could be created over the next five years, and 92,000 by 2041, mostly in new carbon cutting green industries and technologies. Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands said: “This marks a significant step closer towards achieving our goal of net zero by 2041.

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